Scientific papers should be sent exclusively through  (ABSTRACT SUBMISSION)

1. Accepted papers will be framed in 3 modalities

i) Oral presentation

ii) E-poster presentation

iii) Video presentation

2. The Scientific Committee may change the form of submission of approved papers.

3. Deadline for submission of papers: JULY 31st, 2023. This date shall not be extended.

4. The author who will present the work must registered to the meeting, with full registration fee paid.

5. Format for submission:

· TITLE: The abstract title should be brief and accurate. To be in a format of a sentence with upper cases used grammatically. It must not exceed the limit of 25 words.

· AUTHOR AND CO-AUTHORS: should start with surnames, followed by the initials of the names, separated by commas. Limit of 6 co-authors. In additional the institution of all must be informed.

· WRITING OF THE TEXTS should be divided onto items:

Maximum text size: 300 characters and spaces (not including title, authors and institutions).

Oral Presentation format

E-poster Presentation format

Power point should be prepared with:

As a suggestion the work should have 8 to 12 slides and contemplating:

Video Presentation format

Recorded video technique presentation for 3 – 4 minutes in mp4 file.

6. There is no limit to abstracts per author but no more than one abstract based on the same research paper will be accepted.

7. The limit of authors for each work: 1 author and up to 6 co-authors. The presenter should be responsible for submitting the work.

8. The author can declare his presentation option (oral, poster or video). The Scientific Committee will follow the author’s choice whenever possible.

9. After submitting the work, the author will receive the confirmation through the contract email informed in the application. This confirmation message is the guarantee that the job was submitted correctly. If you do not receive the email with the submission confirmation, the author should contact the Meeting Secretariat immediately and before the submission deadline.

10. The acceptance status of the work will be made available before August 15th, 2023.

For more information, send an email to